
Showing posts from 2020
Why do I enjoy blogging/pourquoi j'aime blogger?!  Personal story/histoire personnelle!          Most little girls have a "diary". I had several diaries, I still have some in my special memory box. In them You will find teenage stories like; my crushes, writing about the fact that my father was so protective, writing about my dreams, writing about my friendships; Oh! I have many journals dedicated to friendships failures ... 🤦🏽‍♀️   Anyway, writing has always been a passion. I loved to write freely; it was the only way to express myself withholding nothing. I am a dreamer, I use my imagination as an art ... some of my former classmates in middle school/ high school probably remember the first story I wrote using 2 composition notebooks 😄 ... it was called "Haute Tension des vacances" French for "very tense vacation" and well I tried to translate that; I hope it makes sense. I went crazy writing it, I couldn't wait until th

Quarantine Routine/Routine de quarantaine

Quarantine Routine Routine de quarantaine         Heyyy my dear readers! It's my first article for the year of 2020, and I have so much to talk about! I honestly don't know where to start. So many things are happening in the world, and so many things are happening in my life that I sometimes feel overwhelmed... And I take the liberty to say that I speak for everyone, this year has so far been very tough on us. We're now facing a virus that has killed so many people, leaving family members in tears, in pain, and fear. And I am deeply saddened and devastated by the circumstances... I am a very sensitive and emotional person, and when others are in pain, it literally has an impact on me, I know that some people might be the same way too, that is why I am going to share some of the tricks that I use to keep my life in balance while on quarantine. Self Quarantine!? There's a difference between wanting to stay home and being forced to stay home. Although